For over a year now, I have been reviewing music on instagram - mostly metal, but everything that catches my eye or that I find interesting to talk about might have gotten featured. While I appreciate the community on instagram and the oppurtunities to be discovered by the almighty algorithm, I think it is time that I have a dedicated site for the reviews as well. There is just a risk involved with Instagram, as I am aware of reviewers losing their accounts. Also, I know many people in the general metal crowd who avoid Instagram like the plague - hopefully I can offer a chance to them to check out my writing on this blog. In general, I will try to mirror all my writing on this blog in some way. There will be a weekly roundup of all my reviews of current music that I´ve written and a writeup on older albums, probably once a month (since I do these less freuquently). My Discography Runs will be uploaded to this blog in a single post and also probably include an introduction and a conclusion. I hope to do some more long form writing on this blog about things that cannot be adequately expressed within Instagrams character limit - maybe the occasional stinkpiece or essay, as well. Furthermore, I also hope to occasionally blog about my creative process and my musical projects.
Heavy Metal music is at an odd spot in its development now. Often flanderised to a ridiculous degree and always at the verge of completely selling out, I still love metal music with all its flaws and all its shortcomings. People know me as a very discerning and somewhat demanding reviewer. I believe that love shouldn´t be unconditional and that you should hold the things you love to a high standard. I love heavy metal and it saved my life more than once. And thats why I will continue to review it and try to be rewarding towards the bands that propel metal forward in the right direction.
Thank you for your time and thank you for reading.