Wait, what is happening?
Starting now, Goatreview.org is on a summer break. General activities on the blog will cease until This Week in Metal, Week 33 on August 17th.
What is the reason for this?
Goatreview is a small blog, operated only by a few people. This puts a lot of pressure on the writers, editors and general staff to keep the ship running. We like doing it and we do it because we believe that musical reviewing is important and that the writers and the site have a particular perspective and reveiwing style that is not shared by many blogs. But the sheer number we put out puts a considerable strain on us - many of us are artists with projects ourselves and all of us have day jobs.
Will this be a yearly thing?
We don't intend to take a break each year or during the same time of each year. In fact, we want the blog to grow and develop. For a while, our goal has been to migrate to a better site and away from Wix. Wix puts a lot of limitations on us and their best comfort features are gated behind a paywall. Over the summer vacation, we will take the necessary steps to migrate to a better looking, more functional site. Goatreview shall serve as a resource for the metal essentials and coming releases - Wix is too clunky for what we want to build.
Won't you still be overworked even on a new site?
With the new site, we aim to expand and find more writers. It is important for us that the style of writing and the understanding of what is valuable in and about music aligns. We will try to recruit more writers once the site is up. Monitor for the social media pages for more info once the time has come.
But now I am missing out on so much content!
And we will bleed followers, interaction and reach. But don't fret, because we will return with additional content once the site is up. Again, the challenges of getting the weekly writeup done every week did not leave us much room. With a break and hopefully soon more staff and a site that works in the ways we want it to, the content will flow much more evenly.
Thank you for reading Goatreview. As a small blog, we appreciate every reader and having a small but dedicated fanbase means more to us than shilling for virality.
Have a couple margaritas, lie in the sun and meet us back here in August.
Praise the Goat.